Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Monday, June 20, 2005

Kindasleazy Rice said what?

On the Fox fake-news show Sunday Rice said, "The administration, I think, has said to the American people that it is a generational commitment to Iraq."

Think Progress, right on top of things, was quick to point out how overtly lying Kindasleazy Rice (hence her nickname) was to the American people.

Think Progress goes down a list of a couple members of the Administration that distinctly say the exact opposite of what Rice is claiming:

Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld

I think the key point is that yes, Bush may have said the words "generational commitment," but not in context to the War in Iraq. "Encouraging democracy in that region (Middle East) is a generational commitment," is not the same as what Rice said, but THE ADMINISTRATION WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE IT IS. This is how this administration works.

I think many people would agree with the statement democracy is a good thing, and having it in the Middle East may be a good thing also. But I also believe those same people would feel the War in Iraq was a horrible idea because the two are not mutually exclusive. Encouraging democracy does not mean going to a costly war where thousands of soldiers have died for uncertain reasons. Anyway, what was the exact reason for this war?

And now Rice is misleading Americans by telling us the administration said, "it would be a generational commitment?" That is a lie. That "I told you so," excuse doesn't even exist. The War in Iraq is not part of the War on Terror, it is nearly inviting terrorists to the chaos known as Iraq.


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