Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sen. Durbin why did you do it?

Sen. Richard Durbin,

Why did you apologize for pointing out in an FBI report that some soldiers in Guantanamo Bay tortured people? I am not a torture apologist, you are not a torture apologist. Torture is always wrong. Besides, the Republicans in power use this as a means to attack you the messenger, instead of addressing the serious issues you bring up. Don't let them change the subject, torture at Guantanamo must still be addressed.
Political Fish Tales

Here is what F* Bomb said about Durbin:

"I thought Durbin was totally out of line. I watched some of his comments on the floor of the United States Senate. For him to make those comparisons was one of the more egregious things I'd ever heard uttered on the floor of the United States Senate."

Like this guy has any legitimacy to talk about what is said on the Senate Floor?

How dare Cheney talk about egregious things when he told Sen. Leahy of Vermont to "go F*** himself" on the floor of the United States Senate! (Using profanity on the Senate floor while the Senate is in session is against the rules, but the Senate was "technically" not in session.)

The audacity of this guy is ridiculous. He plays Americans for fools. Cheney you're not high and righteous, you're like a volcano, spewing hot filth from your mouth.


Blogger Jim said...

Sam, check the ultimate in paranoia- the black helicopters...


6:55 PM


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