Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Evolution vs. Creationism

A great article on the evolution vs. creationism debate. This article debunks 15 common creationist arguments on why evolution is not valid.

Posted by Hello
I must say that just because someone believes in God should not predispose them against accepting plausible and verifiable scientific theories. That God created and endowed us with a soul should not prevent us from accepting the facts about the natural world. Evolution does not threaten a belief in God. To believe in the bible literally is to defy reason that comes from being a human being. Therefore, I believe the teachings of the bible must be looked at metaphorically; use the bible as a moral guideline. But do not politicize the bible and force it upon others as radical fundamentalist conservatives have done.

I must also say that although both evolution and creationism are theories, (and therefore the struggle for teaching material in schools), evolution is a scientific theory while creationism is a religious theory. There is a large difference.


Blogger Jim said...

Here is some good copy on supernatural vs. scintific.

4:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:16 AM


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