Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Another trip, Another death threat-

On Bush's most recent trip abroad to try to coax country leaders to see things his way, a few things of note happened. First of all, the media once again proved why it truly is a lap dog to this administration.

At home, President Bush regularly travels the nation for "conversations" with hand-picked audiences who routinely shower him and his policies with praise. But in Holland, a group of students were able to ask unscripted questions, questions Americans want to ask if given the chance. But guess what. We will never know what was said because the American media was ushered out of the room half an hour into the question/answer session! I'm not lying.
This group of youths would not have passed the typical White House event.

So where is this called liberal media that is out to get Bush? The liberal media does not exist! The media was kicked out at a time when it was their whole purpose for being there.

And I thought our taxes paid for Shrub's trips? So we don't even get to know what's being said at these trips when tax payers are paying for
them? BUllSHit

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Secondly, I guess someone in the country of Georgia doesn't like Bush either. My guess is probably LOTS of people don't, particularly if so many people in his own country despise him. Isn't his approval rating at 42% now?

It seems the secret service, which provides Mr Bush's bodyguards, was told by Georgian authorities of a report that a device, possibly a hand grenade, was thrown to within 100ft of the stage on which the president was speaking. Here is the story

(Wow. Sounds like a close call. Maybe next time. I'm kidding! I don't like Bush, but I never feel killing anyone is the right answer.)


Blogger Jim said...

Sam, here's agood website that shows that Bush planned on attacking Iraq in 2002.

8:29 PM


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