Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Saturday, May 28, 2005

A recent post on Talking Points Memo-

Josh --

I admire the Bushies ability to come up with catchy memes and
repeat them endlessly (most recently, "Up or down vote.")

Here's my suggestion for what Bush is offering:

His "Nothing For Something"™ proposal.

The government keeps taking the same amount, only the Republicans
give the middle class less. No carrot, all stick. Gee, I wonder why
people aren't going for this?


Repeat it enough times and I guess it just might work.

(Someone else recognized the republicans use short catch phrases to make everything black and white. People are smarter than to think in bumper sticker phrases.)


Blogger Deepanjan said...

Give the President a break! It's difficult to come up with a virgin speech everytime. Recycling is a handy virtue, especially for those in the public glare!

10:26 AM


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