Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Sunday, June 05, 2005

How this administration deals with unfavorable news

May 4 - Newsweek report claims Guantanamo interrogators desecrated the Quran

May 16- Newsweek retracts story under pressure from administration

"Based on what we know now, we are retracting our original story that an internal military investigation had uncovered Koran abuse at Guantanamo Bay," said editor Mark Whitaker.

So it seems the U.S. military failed to corroborate the story printed in Newsweek....

May 17- Presidential spokesman Scott McClellan, and many other righties, blamed the riots and deaths in Afghanistan after the Newsweek article, on the Newsweek article.

Afghan riots not tied to report on Quran handling, General says

"Air Force General Richard Myers told reporters at the Pentagon May 12 that he has been told that the Jalalabad, Afghanistan, rioting was related more to the ongoing political reconciliation process in Afghanistan than anything else."

June 4- U.S. Confirms Quran mishandled

Confirmed incidents:
-Muslim holy book was splashed with urine
-detainee's Quran was deliberately kicked and another's was stepped on
-two-word obscenity was written in English on the inside cover of a Quran

This does not seem like a respectful way to handle a religious document. Just imagine what the theocrats would have done if the Bible was in the place of the Quran.

More to my point is the way the administration dealt with the news. Deny it, say it's unsubstantiated, blame it for the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan, and then attack the messenger Newsweek, and the media in general.

When the truth comes out that military officials admit incidents ocurred where the Quran was desecrated by urine and obscenities, you would expect an apology or a retraction from the administration. Correct?

Instead we get this quote from McClellan,"It is unfortunate that some have chosen to take out of context a few isolated incidents by a few individuals."

Admit it! Newsweek is much more credible than your misleading statements!


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