Dissent is the highest form of patriotism -Howard Zinn

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I believe the word you were looking for Dubya is "dissemble"

Here's the link, showing the incompetent president in all his glory

The word he said.........
To take apart
Ex. ( All sane people should disassemble when Dubya speaks.)

The word he meant.......

1. To disguise or conceal behind a false appearance.
2. To make a false show of; feign.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Only on Fox News

An on-screen graphic appearing on the May 18 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes featured a picture of Janice Rogers Brown, one of President Bush's judicial nominees blocked by Democrats, accompanied by the question: "Why do Democrats hate this woman?"

Posted by Hello
In fact, Senate Democrats have not indicated any hatred for Brown, but have instead detailed extensive and substantive reasons for their opposition to her nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

And who can honestly say Fox News does not have political motives? I more or less agree with Chomsky and feel that nearly all the news is conservative, simply because it narrows the spectrum of political/news discourse to what giant news corporations want.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

A recent post on Talking Points Memo-

Josh --

I admire the Bushies ability to come up with catchy memes and
repeat them endlessly (most recently, "Up or down vote.")

Here's my suggestion for what Bush is offering:

His "Nothing For Something"™ proposal.

The government keeps taking the same amount, only the Republicans
give the middle class less. No carrot, all stick. Gee, I wonder why
people aren't going for this?


Repeat it enough times and I guess it just might work.

(Someone else recognized the republicans use short catch phrases to make everything black and white. People are smarter than to think in bumper sticker phrases.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What are those crazy Brits doing?

So I guess kids can't wear hoodies in malls anymore? This is just ridiculous Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Reading in yesterday's Daytona Beach News Journal, I came upon Sudoku . Sudoku is a simple yet baffling Japanese puzzle, similar to a crossword, just with numbers instead of words. It's a grid of 81 squares, divided into 9 blocks of 9 squares each. Some of the squares contain a digit. The goal is to fill in the empty squares so that the digits 1 through 9 appear just once in every row, column and individual 3 x 3 block. It's addicting, but don't even begin to think it's easy.

Try out Sudoku

Posted by Hello
Try this one. It was in the news journal. The numbers in red were given, you figure out the rest. Do not scroll down unless you want to see the answer. * Caution- may cause you to pull out hair*

The Answer

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Another trip, Another death threat-

On Bush's most recent trip abroad to try to coax country leaders to see things his way, a few things of note happened. First of all, the media once again proved why it truly is a lap dog to this administration.

At home, President Bush regularly travels the nation for "conversations" with hand-picked audiences who routinely shower him and his policies with praise. But in Holland, a group of students were able to ask unscripted questions, questions Americans want to ask if given the chance. But guess what. We will never know what was said because the American media was ushered out of the room half an hour into the question/answer session! I'm not lying.
This group of youths would not have passed the typical White House event.

So where is this called liberal media that is out to get Bush? The liberal media does not exist! The media was kicked out at a time when it was their whole purpose for being there.

And I thought our taxes paid for Shrub's trips? So we don't even get to know what's being said at these trips when tax payers are paying for
them? BUllSHit

Posted by Hello

Secondly, I guess someone in the country of Georgia doesn't like Bush either. My guess is probably LOTS of people don't, particularly if so many people in his own country despise him. Isn't his approval rating at 42% now?

It seems the secret service, which provides Mr Bush's bodyguards, was told by Georgian authorities of a report that a device, possibly a hand grenade, was thrown to within 100ft of the stage on which the president was speaking. Here is the story

(Wow. Sounds like a close call. Maybe next time. I'm kidding! I don't like Bush, but I never feel killing anyone is the right answer.)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rose Bay Fish Report

A day off of work from Dolly's Fun Toys and I had to get back on the water again. Same kayak, same place, different fish but more of them. This time they were sea trout, the good to eat kind. I caught six trout all relatively small, except for one monster gator trout. It's the biggest one I've ever caught. I also caught one good size flounder, a definite keeper. If I wasn't a catch and release guy- I would have had a good dinner from the gator trout and flounder.

sea trout Posted by Hello

I caught nearly all my trout from a deep 4 foot hole by a mangrove island. The hole was part of a channel cutting between oyster and sand bars. I'll have to look for more spots like this....

Trout love saltwater assassins, my lure of choice. Posted by Hello

Evolution vs. Creationism

A great article on the evolution vs. creationism debate. This article debunks 15 common creationist arguments on why evolution is not valid.

Posted by Hello
I must say that just because someone believes in God should not predispose them against accepting plausible and verifiable scientific theories. That God created and endowed us with a soul should not prevent us from accepting the facts about the natural world. Evolution does not threaten a belief in God. To believe in the bible literally is to defy reason that comes from being a human being. Therefore, I believe the teachings of the bible must be looked at metaphorically; use the bible as a moral guideline. But do not politicize the bible and force it upon others as radical fundamentalist conservatives have done.

I must also say that although both evolution and creationism are theories, (and therefore the struggle for teaching material in schools), evolution is a scientific theory while creationism is a religious theory. There is a large difference.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Charles Darwin

Posted by Hello

Set the groundwork for evolution as we know it.

I just had to upload it Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

No Joke, Al Gore deserves some thanks for the Internet

Posted by Hello
Gore infamously said in a CNN interview he "took the initiative in creating the internet." But all those people out there who continuosly attacked Gore for saying this.... must now shut up!

In fact, organizers for the Webby Awards for online achievements agree.

In part to "set the record straight," they will give Gore a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet, said Tiffany Shlain, the awards' founder and chairwoman.

"It's just one of those instances someone did amazing work for three decades as congressman, senator and vice president and it got spun around into this political mess," Shlain said.

Vint Cerf, undisputedly one of the Internet's key inventors, will give Gore the award at a June 6 ceremony in New York. "He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions," Cerf said.

But after joining Congress eight years later, he promoted high-speed telecommunications for economic growth and supported funding increases for the then-fledging network, according to the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, which presents the annual awards.

As vice president, he popularized the term "information superhighway."

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Death to Microsoft Internet Explorer and computers

Posted by Hello This is how I feel after trying to hook up a network in my house. My parents' computer may be older... but there is no reason why their computer still can't find the network in our same house! And yes we called every technical person out there for help. On the other hand my computer now has internet? I just don't get it-

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Waste of life

Posted by Hello The Suncoast Tarpon Roundup, which last year accounted for 94 PERCENT of the tarpon reported killed in Florida, has abandoned plans to move to an all-release format and will continue to kill tarpon when it starts May 21.

Why kill these prehistoric giants? All in the name of money? It's bad enough this tournament alone constitutes 94 PERCENT of reported kills in Florida! Tarpon have enough to deal with from the likes of hammerheads and bull sharks after being released from a long fight.

In this day and age how can people not recognize the importance of catch and release in an aquatic ecosystem.

And if you are going to continue to be a deadly tournament, at least take off the sponsors who only supported you years before because you intended on becoming a catch and release tournament.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Spruce Creek fishing report

Fresh out of school, I was ready to get back on the water. This time it was with my kayak in Rose Bay. Rose Bay, along with Turnbull Bay, are oyster filled creeks, channels and bays connecting the ICW and Spruce Creek. I went in search of redfish, but only found stingrays and manatees.

There is a funny thing about manatees. Their tails remind me of frisbees, giant frisbees, while their bodies remind me of potatoes, large potatoes indeed. Paint it grey, add hairs over their body, make em' 800 pounds- and that's one weird animal. So how are they still so cute?

I fished for about two hours and ended up not catching jack. Actually, I'm lying- I caught 4 jacks. They look like this.

Posted by Hello
When I came back in, I met a nice guy at Spruce Creek Outfitters. I bought my own kayak from there 2 years before when a different person, looking strangely similar to my deceased grandpa, had owned it. The new owner, Jason, gave me some tips on my own kayak, the jitterbug. Check him out at http://sprucecreekkayaks.com

The Wild West has rolled into Florida

Posted by Hello Shoot first! Ask questions later.....

People in Florida will be allowed to kill in self-defense on the STREET, and other public places, without trying to flee under a new law passed by state politicians on Tuesday , April 5. (Previously it had only been private places like your house or car.)

And let's not forget the guns available for self-defense. The Assault Weapons Ban has temporarily expired. So for now, banned guns like Uzis, AK-47s and TEC-9s will be back on the street, courtesy of President Bush.

The new bill goes further by allowing citizens to use deadly force in a public place if they have a REASONABLE BELIEF they are in danger of death or great bodily harm.

First of all, how does one define great bodily harm, and can it only be defined after some person, possibly innocent, has been killed? Secondly, I don't think people are reasonable. (As in there is REASONABLE belief they are in danger.) Particularly Republican state Rep. Dennis Baxley of Ocala, sponsor of the "Stand your ground" bill. To all UF students, this is the same nut job who was trying to pass legislation hindering "liberal" professors from teaching a wide variety of viewpoints and ideas. David Horowitz has an ally in his mission to take down college professors nationwide.

The bill applies to all means of force that may result in death, although the legislative debate focused on guns. So with all this emphasis on the "culture of life," it seems more efficient killing weapons are now legally available AND it's perfectly legal to use them to kill other people, as long as you have reasonable belief you are in "great bodily harm."

How ass backwards does this seem? Were these laws supposed to make us feel safer?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Picture courtesy of http://bartcop.com , He tells it like it is

Finally, I've learned how to upload pictures. It wasn't easy and it wasn't without help from a blogger over at http://thelivingroomdivided.blogspot.com Posted by Hello

Congrats to all the high school grads

It's that time of year again. High school students long to graduate from their daily routine in search of success outside their locker-filled hallways. Congratulations to my longtime buddy Kyle. When I first met you, fresh from South Africa, I never thought you would have lost that bloody English accent so fast. I guess everyone becomes Americanized. But you did graduate from my high school alma mater, the second largest International Baccalaureate school in the country, Spruce Creek High School. http://www.sprucecreekhigh.com Cheers to that. Let's have a rugby match to celebrate, and then maybe a quick game of cricket? How is good old Creek' these days? I heard a brand spanking new library has been built?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I decided to create a blog

This is my first weblog and it's exciting. Feel free to comment. Tell all your friends.